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Looper's Delight!
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Electrix Repeater
First shown: Summer NAMM, 2000
Began Shipping: August 16, 2001
Discontinued: July 2, 2002
(click for large image)

This page needs more stuff! Any Repeater users out there want to help out? If you are interested, want to provide a review, user tips, or have any information on using the Repeater for looping, please contact us.

Repeater News

December 7, 2004 - Today IVL announced that they have revived the Electrix division. They say they plan to introduce new products, but no word on what they are. Read the Press Release

Electrix Repeater News Archive - past news about the Repeater

Repeater complete feature list

Looper's Delight Review #1 of the Electrix Repeater - By Jaron Lanier

Looper's Delight Review #2 of the Electrix Repeater - By Progster

Looper's Delight Review #3 of the Electrix Repeater - By Mark Sottilaro

More Repeater User Reviews Needed - please do one!!

Repeater commentary from the Looper's Delight Mailing List Archive - there's a lot of it.

Repeater commentary from the Looper's Delight Mailing List Archive - this is a search for just the first 3 months after shipping. A lot of interesting user impressions and question/answers were posted then.

Noise Reduction Mod for the Electrix Repeater - Cut output noise by 25dB! (6MB pdf)

Electrix' product info sheet for the Repeater - sent to us by Electrix

Electrix Press Release for Repeater OS 1.1

Front panel rendering

Rear panel rendering

Electrix Repeater manual pdf - from the Electrix site

Electrix Repeater specs pdf - from the Electrix site

Electrix Repeater Brochure pdf - from the Electrix site

Repeater User's Comments at Harmony Central

Search News groups for Repeater comments

Electrix Repeater Home Page

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