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Remix 16
User Comments

Here are some comments people have sent me:

From Mark:

Hi My name is Mark and I just got the Akai Remix 16 a few weeks ago.. Actually I traded my MC303 to this helpful Sampler....With the Beat Loop Function I can throw any samples to the groove..(anything) and it's tight enough....It is just like the W30 only Remix 16 only has 2 outputs. You can also use your computer to sequence your samples.... ...I'm doing Electronic Music using the Vince Clarke samples(Lucky Bastard).. But since I'm new to sampling I'm having difficulties composing...

From Turbo:

I use the remix16 with two turntables. I'm not experienced with music technology, so the sample editing is a little weird...The interface is pretty straightforward, but the learning curve is a little steep for someone like me who has always run screaming from rackmount-type devices and other things with a million options crammed into a display the size of a motorola pager. But I am learning it. The good news is that once you get some great loops, the beat-matching features are phenomenal. Above all, just like dj-ing or anything else, you have have great rhythm sense to use it. The remix16 is awesome on the fly, except some quirks like playback stopping when files are loaded, which may be my inexperience. I'd recommend it highly because I'm already doing cool stuff with it and I don't think I've used even 20% of the features.

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