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Re: Re: Creating Space

On 7/22/64 11:59 AM, Rainer Straschill wrote:
ad 2: this is either turning off one of multiple loops or undoing. The EDP (and its bastard software sibling, Möbius) has for a long time been the only looper (I know of) which allows for multiple levels of undo and redo. Of course, you can (with a reduced amount of undo/redo levels) get the same result with something multitrack, e.g. the Repeater.
fyi,  the just released LP-2 Mini Looper from Looperlative has 30 levels of undo.

it also has three retrigger modes:

1) retrigger ONCE (for retriggering melodies or rhythms only one time)
2) retrigger CONTINUOUS (for syncing to non-loopers in a rhythmic setting)
3) retrigger RANDOM (just for fun and for creating new and random ostinatos all reloopable).