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Re: OT: 24Bit/96Khz vs 16Bit/ 44.1Khz recording

2011/12/15, van Sinn <vansinn@post.cybercity.dk>:

> Reyn Ouwehand wrote:
>> If your material has to end on a CD, record on 88.2kHz. If it's for film
>> record on 96kHz. Due to the math..
> I assume you mean that an 88.2 Khz sample only needs to downscaled by a
> factor
> two to arrive at 44.1 Khz..
> Which isn't so.  The 88.2 signal will need to be calculated and dithered
> exactly the same way as with any other bitrate.

that makes sense. guess i got it from bob katz book. 96 Khz should
better for compatibility matters, 88.2 Khz because uses less storage
space, but quality humanly indistinguishable, suposing a stable clock
for both sample rates on the same capturing device.

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For the strong, they provide a means by which you are easily manipulated.
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Kim Flint
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