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Re: Boss PS-6 as a tool for looped bass.

My bad. "Clifford" is at my chazworm.com address I think. 
I'm anything but a perfectionist. 

Chaz Worm - singer, bass, banjo
Earth, Worm, &, Fire and
Electric Light Opry

On Dec 11, 2011, at 3:15 AM, "chaz worm" <chaz@earthwormandfire.com> wrote:

For starters it was probably the first pedal I ever had.  I was a bass player / lead singer in a 3 person grunge/punk band (back when grungy wasn't cool, mid-late 80's) and the idea of filling up all that space when my guitarist was doing his soaring solos seemed compelling in theory. 
"It would be like triple cloning myself for the betterment of our meager band", i thought. 
I assumed it would be an octave up and down.  I'm a real meat and potatoes bass player.  I hate playing past the 5th fret and I go nights where I could easily lose my g-string too.  I could venture up into that guitar whelm I thought. 
NO.  TWO octaves DOWN.  means I'm having to play the D and G strings around the 7-9th frets.  SCREW THAT. 
I would rather anchor that bottom end.  screw the middle.
Instead I was playing up so high my already cheap/bad bass sounded like a popcorn fart.
In summation I didn't feel it tracked well and it sounded worse.  Be that as it may I still found it superior to the dane-electro pedal (i think, actually I think mine is now in the trash) that people spoke well of.  it was HORRIBLE.  I hated it. 
I thought of selling it to somone on this list.  I would sell it for 20 in a heart beat but I couldn't with a good concious.  I truly felt my pedal had to be bad. 
My main ax is a 50 dollar banjo that I defretted to make a minstrel banjo. 
I will convince my head that something sounds good even if its crap.  As long as its different, and more importantly, CHEAP.
please listen to my best song, Clifford Ratliff in which I feature said banjo. 
ITS CRAP but the song suites it.
I'm just a crappy guy but I guess I take my low end serious. 
Sorry so lengthy.  i'm typing this from a computer and i type faster than I think.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Durbrow
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: Boss PS-6 as a tool for looped bass.

On Nov 28, 2011, at 6:56 AM, chaz worm wrote:

I had an OC2 and I found it unacceptable for even my ridiculously low standards. I hated it. 
I went to the nearest used equipment store to find a replacement. 

I'm happy to hear this not so glowing review because it confirms my view. I wonder what put you off about it. For me, I find it difficult to operate. It keeps doing things I don't expect and trying to double stomp really messes me up (went out and immediately bought an FS-6 footswitch). Reading the posts in this forum, I just figure everybody else is, like you say, at a different level. I want to loop, but I'm just finding it difficult. I have tried to use Mobius. It seems cool but I want to use it with footpedals. I bought a Behringer FBC1010 because I read that it was a good match for it. I cannot get it to do anything. I may have putty for brains but this stuff is not easy to get started with. If I had money, I'd pay for looping lessons.