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Re: LP2 - multiply?

In general, one can safely say that pretty much 'anything' is doable in max, including making coffee, lol.  

However, it most often involves some programming.  

What I was citing here was actually the ability to have a mobius track going to an audio track in Live and shuffling its buffer.  Should that m4l plugin track be separate and in addition to the regular track, then, yes, all of that would be possible, though it is not a 'one track solution' as it is in the LP1 or edp.  I'm so used to using several paths to get something done that in these hardware devices did happen on one track or loop, that I tend to only think in those solutions. So, to be clear, no you cannot replicate exactly the ways of the LP1 shuffle in its implementation, but yes, I can see how one could replicate its sound or results this way, with a little creative routing and thinking, thereby 'building it in' to your own custom looper.  Let's get Per in on this one, he often has more thorough responses and ideas than do I.  In fact, he might very well be doing this very thing already. 


On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 2:42 PM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
Duplication of LP1 Shuffle in Max?

Todd Reynolds wrote:
In answer to that, yes, max for live can do that in spades,

Apart from the basic shuffle
the LP1 does,

1) lets' you keep Overdubbing, including with feedback turned down

2) does a quick fade between chunks to prevent clicks.

3) Lets you tap Record to determine loop length.

...dunnow if those are already available in Max...they
could be of course.

...and of course we all hope soon that the LP1 Scramble will be Quantised

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