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Fwd: airFX level mismatch.

Of course Andy you are correct about the Mix knob dipping some when in mid-position... that was my initial experience, since the Boogie's FX loop is serial there was no choice but to run Mix at 12 o'clock or so... but it was too quiet... hence the Suhr MiniMix, lovely little piece that essentially makes my (mono) serial FX loop into a parallel loop. That enabled me to run the EDP fully wet. But, the output still fell just shy of where I wanted it to be, so I used a Suhr Isoboost (clean boost) to just bump the EDP up a little, and the result was great.

And yeah, the whole MOTU thing is a real head scratcher. If anyone out there has run an EDP thru a MOTU device (I'm using the Traveler), I'd love to hear your experience :)

Meantime, I'm happy in VST-land. Might set up the EDP again with the Boogie and just keep it on hand for times when hardware is required....

Phil :)

On Dec 4, 2011, at 5:03 AM, andy butler wrote:

Phil Clevenger wrote:
Gah! I've been trying to research my way into understanding impedance better for a month now. Let's just say the scales have not yet fallen from my eyes. Love to see if Andy can work some educational magic :) Great to know even giants like Rick have the occasional blind spot :)

ok, when I get the time I'll work up a full overview,

this comes up a lot.

*in FX loop (serial) of Mesa Boogie MkIV*
- Output far too weak. Solution was to use a Suhr Minimix 2 to boost (and to convert the serial loop to parallel).

I'd call that a known issue connected with the Mix control on the EDP.
If you put in full wet, then the o/p is good and loud.
As you mix in the dry signal the wet signal drops...well
that's what a mix control does.

*No hardware amp, routing EDP thru MOTU interface to Ableton and monitors*
Have found *no* way to get levels (impedance? lol) to work this way at all. Line noise, white floor noise, brittle distortion, horrible fidelity... this with levels in the EDP set entirely properly... tried every kind of cable and routing and +4/-10/inst.level combo the MOTU will allow...

That's strange.
Can't see any reason for that to happen from the onfo here.
