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RE: ANOTHER live looping with canned loops... was: RLive Looping without "organic" instruments....

I find it oddly soothing and quite interesting. It is more than random noodlings… it does have a certain congruency to it.


At times it reminds me of Stymie’s cake in the Little Rascals, and that is never a bad thing.




The fact is, most of you “experts” have been wrong all these years, but until now I’ve held my tongue. The fact is that Stymie was the world’s first looping artist.





From: Anders Bergdahl [mailto:anders_e_bergdahl@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 7:24 PM
To: Loopers Delight
Subject: ANOTHER live looping with canned loops... was: RLive Looping without "organic" instruments....


So these debates inspired me to do another piece of music(ish) where i play the octa track and live loop what i play by recording my trigs as i co along which creates "loops" of triggs and sample manipulation including pitch and speed of replay which creates melodies. When these sequences are played back there is NO difference between looping the patterns i recorded and recordign the audio output and lopp that.. so live sequening is = live looping .. 

IF you cant stand 14:33 minutes of sounds listen to the first 7 minutes if you like ambient airy stuff and the last 7 minutes or soo if you want more crazy semi melodic (no 12 intervals here... totally free tonality) Some in balances with me failing to control the drum sometimes... but it is LIVE and on edited.. 

Please let me know what you think:


I will buy anyone that listens to the whole thing and comments a beer when we meet, perhaps a nice IPA or imperial stout :-) 

