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Re: Live looping cello performances

David's got an iPod Touch, 4th gen, I think, which is similar in hardware to the iPhone 4.

Loopy'll probably run best on the iPad, as it's newer hardware, but it should be fine on the 3Gs too (if it's not, I recommend rebooting the device, and maybe even experimenting with things like turning off WiFi/Bluetooth, which take a little CPU time to run sometimes). I've recently made some big optimisations, ready for release with the next update (along with MIDI clock sync and footswitch/etc control at last, huzzah!), so the next version should be even 3Gs-friendlier.

On 16 Nov 2011, at 15:10, chaz worm wrote:

I have that app but haven't reloaded it after my os5 cracked up all my apps. I never used it anywhere near like that though. Wow. 
What iPhone is he using. Mine is just a 3GS. I didn't seem that it had that kind of use ability. 
Technology is really spoiling me. I remember realizing that my DSP128's digital delay had an infinite hold on it so I could layer my own (out-of-tune) harmonies I thought the world was my oyster. That was over 20 years ago. 
Will Loopy performance be better on my 32gb 3GS or my 16gb iPad (first gen?!?)
I must learn to utilize things better. That was very impressive. 

Chaz Worm - singer, bass, banjo
Earth, Worm, &, Fire and
Electric Light Opry

On Nov 15, 2011, at 10:21 AM, Michael Tyson <michael@atastypixel.com> wrote:

Hey list - I thought I'd share a couple of links to some performance videos:

David Fernández (aka ecce cello, eccecello.com), a professional cellist who uses live-looping in his performance uploaded these recently - they're worth a look, he's really very good:

http://youtu.be/vpl0imszbxs (live performance recording)
http://youtu.be/ns2mejEJHNg (demonstrating his technique, with the live-looper app shown projected on a screen behind)

He's using Loopy, my iPhone/iPad live looper app (so obviously I'm well chuffed to see it being used to such impressive effect! =)


Michael Tyson | atastypixel.com
A Tasty Pixel: Artisan apps

Loopy HD has been released! Savvy, tactile live looping on the iPad.

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