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Re: More EDP synch woes!

mark francombe wrote:

I will check that, (incidentaly, do I have setting correct for midi IN sync.. If EDP1 is Brothered to EDP2 and the midi clock is going to EDP1, then do I have EDP1 set to IN and EDP2 to OUT? or both IN?)

when both are receiving clock from another device
both should be sync=In.

Maybe it also works with edp2 having sync=Out,
but I can't think of an advantage.
(and i think it may drift)

but during SYNC = IN, What is the the display showing actually, when in reset?

the Cycle time, calculated from the incoming clock and the
8th/cycle value

Is it the length of a loop at the currently set tempo that its receiveing?

no, just the cycle

because isnt that the same whatever the 8th setting?


If Im sending EDP 120bpm. then I can't get my first loop (cycle) to be anything less than one measure right?

smallest is one beat,
8th cycle=1

In fact I was gonna mention this to those developing Ecoloop (Grob etc) that a very cool option would be to be able to divide the incoming tempo info from a clock to some division. I for one usually run my EDP very fast, routinely having 32 cycles in a bar (I guess in a LaFosse stylee) even if it doesnt sound like it, This is difficult when receiving clock from another person. I cant exactly ask them to send twice the tempo, when they have done all this preparatory work in Abelton for example...

more than what's possible with 8th/cycle?

The Ecoloop has separate subdivision of loop for quantise apart from the 
So should do anything you want.

Somewhere along the development path there was the ability to type in the 
of cycles in a loop while the loop was running, I think Matt took that out for the first donation-ware edition of Echoloop...but should be back for future editions.
