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Re: RIP Steve Jobs... What if he had never been?

Ah, sorry, got to step in here.  Jobs didn’t MAKE anything.  He evangelized it.  When Wozniak was creating the Apple computer, Jobs was hustling for the money to keep making it.  He was a great evangelist for Apple, a great frontman.  But he didn’t ‘make’ anything.
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: RIP Steve Jobs... What if he had never been?
Yeah Rainer.. stop being a twat...

The guy made pretty special products in a pretty special way, he got Pancreatic Cancer (correct me if Im wrong) which is not nice, as its pretty much the only remaining C, where the Docs have to say "Sorry mate, get yer life in order".

There is absolutely no need to whinge on about a product he conceived of when, if you dont agree with it, you dont have to buy it.

Admittedly iTunes is a bad deal for musical artists, but its not the only deal for artists.

The Apps phenomenon is not purely an Apple thing, and whichever way you go, the big boy, whoever it is, will take a huge wedge. If you wanna sit and write your own code on a Linux you can... But you wont get any chicks!

The guy died dude... show some sympathy please...



On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Rainer Straschill <moinsound@googlemail.com> wrote:
Am 06.10.2011 19:20, schrieb Simeon Harris:

jeez man, leave any tech in the sun too long and it'll get hot. and
Seems it's nitpick time for me now...I happen to have a block of writing paper and a pen (Kyocera, if you must know), and both continue to function no matter how long I leave them in the sun...;)

Mark Francombe
twitter @markfrancombe