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Re: RIP Steve Jobs... What if he had never been?


I have the feeling the if Mr. Jobs had not come along, someone such as Commodore or Atari would have gotten around to it. Witness the MIDI ports on the Ataris. The SIDs on the Commodores. Not to take away from Mr. Jobs, but it still would have happened. The only difference is the possibility that it would have happened in a way that a certain fellow named Gates could have "bundled" it and put the other entity out of business.

From: Fabio_A <eterogenus@gmail.com>
To: "Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com" <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: RIP Steve Jobs... What if he had never been?

Totally agree with you, Sim


Il giorno 06/ott/2011, alle ore 19:20, Simeon Harris <simeonharris40@googlemail.com> ha scritto:

> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 5:04 PM, Rainer Straschill
> <moinsound@googlemail.com> wrote:
> "a computerized notepad that ceases to function if I leave it in the
> sun for too long, yet requires me to register with an online store
> selling stupid tunes and ripping off artists in the process."
> jeez man, leave any tech in the sun too long and it'll get hot. and
> are you talking about iTunes? selling stupid tunes? ripping off
> artists? i sell my stuff through iTunes, thank you very much and my
> music isn't stupid (i don't think) and i'm not being ripped off. and
> you don't have to register, unless you want to use it.
> and if you don't like apple stuff, why didn't you get a blackberry?
> this sounds like sniping for the sake of it...
> i happen to love apple stuff but even if i didn't, i'd be sad to see
> such an innovator pass away so young.
> even if you don't like apple stuff, their developments forced tons of
> other companies to create competing products, so you can still go out
> and buy a tablet, or a smartphone today and you wouldn't be able to if
> apple had never existed. i also love pixar movies and they wouldn't
> exist without him, either.