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Re: ADK Pro Audio PC VS MacBook Pro

:P ... that's funny, Mark! (It's also what my wife said when she
bought her first iMac (2nd Gen), after she plugged it in, fired it up
and was immediately surfing!)

Look, ALL computers are capable of having problems. Be aware of it, be
prepared for it and then be pleasantly surprised if you don't have any
major issues with yours.

Per and I both are recommending that since Rafael has said he has the
budget to afford Apple hardware, but that he's a PC guy, that he go
ahead and buy the Mac and ONLY run Windows on it...that doesn't tie
him into the Apple software upgrade chain and really doesn't tie him
in to their hardware chain either, since he will be dedicating it to
audio/music use (if I understood his original post). (Something we all
need to consider is dedicating the machine to ONE use and ONLY loading
our audio/music software on the machine...doing that can mean actually
using a lesser computer to do the job and save some money for those
pricey pedals and plug-ins! It's one reason I've been researching
using netbooks as dedicated processing units.)

Those of you who have bought Apple hardware and suffered from the "an
even faster/bigger, etc.," model being released a year later seem to
be forgetting that, in general, Apple hardware has a much longer life
cycle than the PCs (not to discount the experience Rick has had...yes,
even they have made lemons!). So even if you bought yours at the end
of the cycle, you'll still get more life out of it than if you bought
a PC and had the same thing happen (thinking of all the Dell and H-P
PCs I've had at work where this has been the case).

On the last three campuses I've worked at, the Macs have barely
figured in the "hardware refresh" cycle...the PCs have been on 2-3
year hardware refresh cycles, while the Macs have been in the 3-5 year
range. Of course, that means that when it comes time to replace the
Macs, there's a lot of catching up to do, but that's usually in the
software side.

Rafael, go ahead and pull the trigger on the Mac, use BootCamp to run
Windows 7 and be happy...




On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:49 AM, mark francombe
<markfrancombe@gmail.com> wrote:
> What's that exactly??? A pro video card? On a laptop? Never needed one
> for nuffink.... It's not a PC... It just works when you buy it...
> Sent from my (advertisement removed)
> On 23 Feb 2011, at 01:25, Rick Walker <looppool@cruzio.com> wrote:
>> To get a pro video card in your MacBook Pro,  be prepared to pay an 
>extra $600.