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Re: Why does mainstream seem more like , downstream these days?

I said:
> #1. "That's my formula  "5% in all genres of music is excellent.
someone asked:
> so are you saying that 95% of looping sux?.....:)"

If one were being really black and white about it, then yes, that would 
be true, but there is
a huge amount of territory between  music being excellent and music 
sucking, as it were.

There's a lot of very competent music made in the world.............on 
some levels you can't be
completely awful if you are on a major label...........just prosaic and 
possibly boring.

But,  I really have to qualify my own personal answer a little bit to be 
really accurate about how I feel:

When I talk about my own loose formula that 5% in all genres of music is 
excellent, it means
just to me, personally!      Someone may just love Andre Seqovia 
recordings.   For some reason
they don't appeal to me.   Does that mean it sucks?     of course not.   
It just means this
is a personal formula for me.    I choose to listen to Black Metal this 
week instead of
King Crimson............does this mean I think Black Metal is better 
than King Crimson or even that
one is excellent and one sucks.............of course not.

Another aspect that's important in my reply is that I believe the the 
process of making music
and putting it out to the world is really good for one's soul,   whether 
someone buys it
or not, really so I want to be public-ally supportive of ALL loopers in 
their attempts to
'get it out there'.

I couldn't possibly have done the looping festival all these years, 
including a very conscious decision
to include rank newbies in the performances if I had some judgmental 
hierarchy in my mind
that rated musicians as being either excellent or sucking.

I'm a hippy at heart and I firmly believe in being supportive of 
community.  My own personal communities
involve live loopers,  goth/industrial types, pool players,  movie 
aficionados, etc., etc.  so I do what
I can to be supportive of people, especially when it comes to being 
creative and to getting out in public
and performing or releasing their own artistry.

There, is that a long winded enough response? <chuckle>