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Re: What is the absolutely Per?

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 3:43 PM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> 
>> As I understand it you first press a LG switch to send a MIDI note on
>> (or some other event) but this MIDI note on is not sent until you use
>> some other MIDI controller to send another (or the same) MIDI note on
>> to the LG.
> Near enough... basically you're saying you have no use for *any* complex
> stream of
> commands from the LG.

"Near enough" ;-))  I'm definitely have use for complex streams of
MIDI control data but I'm not certain the LG2 is the best option to
handle synchronized sequencing of MIDI events going out. I would
rather set it up in software on the receiving send and "playing it
safe" with the LG2 by just sending simply notes to trigger sequences.

> In software, though, you'd use a Midi Note from the Ewi to trigger a
> sequence?

Indeed and I'm already doing that! Not sequences though, but multiple
commands with different unique scaling targeting a bunch of
simultaneous functions in the software; and triggered from one
incoming MIDI Note. Sometimes I play that note on the EWI but on other
occasions I "play" the triggering note from the LG2.

> Xavier tells me he just received his Mac, so the mac editor is one big 
> nearer to reality.
> afaik he's working on the next "big upgrade" which will fully
> use the hardware improvements of the LG2 over the LG1.

Yes, I heard that - great news! :-)

> I think Xavier's pretty much committed to coming up with the
> goods for inventive musicians like Mark.

I think so to and I trust Xavier to decide whether something is
technically possible or not to implement. We have to remember though
that not only real-time loopists use the LG2 (see my recent example
with the two shorter sweeps that hijacks the full pedalboard - great
for many multi media application but problematic for a looping

>> Im not sure either that the solution we have figured out is quite what
>> I had in mind, although it does open up lots of possibilities... I
>> really want to just set a series of commands to be played in synch
>> with my loopers, and this seems very EDP specific, basing it, as it
>> does on those rather obscure midi notes that are send on bar and beat.
>> If thats the only way, then OK.. but maybe it needs some more thought.
> Yes, I don't like the edp specific part.
> ..but I'm thinking there's other uses *not* to
> do with Quantise, and they could relate to anyone
> using a midi instrument with a hardware setup.

Yep, the "long sweep" (4 minutes) is my fav that I want to test out
with my LG2. There are still few softwares that let you kick off a
four minute gradual value sweep while still keep up the work during
the sweep's duration. I think it is really powerful to have that
available on the pedalboard, as you can address any target in software
or other MIDI hardware gear to be "swept".

best regards