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Re: Boss looper contest in Germany

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Per Boysen<perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:

> Or (3) a manufacturer that goes belly up ;-)

There's just as much, or more, of a chance that a software dev goes
belly up too.  I recently noticed that Basement Arts, the developer of
one of my favorite filters (Frantic Filter) is gone. No site, no
mention... nothing. Of course, the software still operates and won't
"break" but who knows if the next OS/computer configuration becomes
incompatible.   I also almost had a scare with Komplexer, a Waldorf
emulation.  For some odd reason it's been totally abandoned even
though the company who developed it still exists. Word on the street
the lead of development got snagged by Waldorf to make Largo (which is
suspiciously similar in every way).  So what about me?  No upgrade
path, no support (I had an issue with the install and Vista 64 and
luckily someone on a forum helped me because the company just pointed
me to an ftp site with a new version that was also broken).

But yeah, it hurt when Elextrix went away.  I see now that the EDP
seems dead as well. So what are your choices if you want a MIDI
syncable hardware looper these days...  The Boss or the Looperlative?
Seems slim pickings.  You can criticize Boss, but at least they're
making something.