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Re: New virtual guitar amps and effects in GarageBand

2009/1/11 Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com>
On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Raul Bonell <raul.bonell@gmail.com> wrote:
> you could export as OMF, your sonar projects will open correctly in Logic
> but you loose all track automations and so ... keep files (clips) and their
> respective positions along the track view ... better get Nuendo if you want
> to export to Logic or others.

Oh, does the new GarageBand export OMF now? That's odd, from an Apple
marketing perspective.

Why "buy Nuendo for exportiing to Logic"? Logic has nothing that is
better than Nuendo so that wouldn't make much sense. Better fulfill
the production in Nuendo then.

indeed really true. but i thought louie was looking for an efficient way of exporting his pc projects to the mac/logic emporium, and he got sonar, so the OMF option was the obvious choice since is the only that Sonar 7.0 supports, don't know about the new 8.0 version.... may i have misunderstood luis ...

nuendo is expensive that logic.

don't know if garageband exports as OMF but Sonar instead, i said.



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Chain Tape Collective: http://www.ct-collective.com
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