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RE: Mobius feature request (was: "uff!")

> I'd like to second that implicit request, Jeff. When will we get loop
> windowing?

Well, if the Mac port doesn't kill me I can look at it next :-)

I've thought about it a bit, if I ever get to it will be different
than the EDP in a few ways.  I don't want to lose Undo after Unrounded
Multiply the way it's working now (just returning to the previous
layer), so the window will always be accessible with it's own
WindowBackward and WindowForward functions.  The effect will be
similar to Undo/Redo but with more control over the window size and
the amount of shift, for example shifting backward by subcycles or
seconds rather than entire cycles.  When I was playing with
windowing a long time ago something else I wanted was a way to "nudge"
the edges of the window just a bit without moving the whole window,
maybe using the pitch bend controller.  

Then there's "segmented windowing" where you slice the loop into multiple
segments and fill each segment with non-contiguous pieces of the loop 
chosen with a few semi-predictable methods or randomly.  Glitchcore!
