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Re: Loop software with varispeed

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:14 PM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
a quick questionnaire for anybody interested.

If you were suddenly granted the wish of having varispeed (pitch change with associated tempo change) in your
looping device of choice, how would you want it to work?
(One way would be  to control it by midi note and pitchbend, for instance.)

Definately... a dedicated cc is only usefull for that slow down end of gig trick... (EXCEPT in cases like... see "Any other dream"s...below)

being able to select pitches via midi note would rock, cos despite speed change on tempo you could sequence the pitch IN TEMPO... just like old skool sampling, before time-stretch.

Would you want extreme range of control even if it caused digital artefacts in the sound?

ESPECIALLY if it cause artifacts in the sound!!!

If there were just a few selectable pitches, which would you use most?
e.g. down an Octave, up a fifth

In order, Octaves, Fifths, Thirds, fourths, all up. but ONE semitone UP and down would also be useful to me.

Any other dreams?

A "Slew" (portamento, glide) setting between the pitches.
A "Quantised" but continuous controller version. In various scales. (that uses a pedal (or joystick, ribbon cable, Nintendo Power glove... ) to sweep up and down through the range of pitch, BUT jumping between preset pitch divisions. (Chomatic, Major, Minor, Pentatonic, Mixalodian etc)
Peace in the World
Donna Stiles, first ever girlfriend 11 yrs old.
How about a small built in sequencer of pitches? (either a pedal you press to advance to the next pitch you have programed in a row, or done automatically, by 8ths , so to program you select a note jump and a timing... NOTE+3 TIME 4,  NOTE + 2 TIME 8 ,  NOTE - 6 TIME 4 .


andy butler
