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A note of explanation before you read this application and sign it.
I do the pre-production of this festival entirely by myself
every year, including all the booking, publicity and liason
with artists.   Individually responding to the literally hundreds of
artists who have contacted me about performing is just an
amazing drain on my time and energy and , in order to continue
to be a vital solo artist in my own right,  I have radically streamlined
the process of application and communication to reduce the amount
of work it takes to coordinate 2 or 3 venues and 60 some odd artists
(without a budget).    I do this because I dearly love this community
and feel committed to the whole community and aesthetics of live
looping in all it's manifestations.
I don't wish this to appear too formal or impersonal but I had to do
it to continue to produce the festival without sacrificing my own
personal life and artistry.
This said and done,  I appreciater your understanding and ask one
very important thing:  
Please do not communicate with me individually with any questions about the
festival.   I will send information about it in a timely manner to all accepted applicants.
Also, do not expect replies to posts at Loopers Delight.  When the festival gets
thick I frequently don't have time to read the L.D. digest.
I cannot stress this last point more vigorously.
Please be patient and all  your questions will be answered.    Write me , of course, in
an emergency,  or if you are a featured or headliner performer.
Make all correspondances go to BOTH of these addresses (for backup in the advent of harddrive failure----
it's happened........lol)
Also, demand for the festival is larger than the number of slots by a large factor.  If you don't get in
this year,  don't worry or be afraid that the process is unfair,  I'll attempt to get you in the first
conventient time.
Thanks so much,     Rick Walker   festival organizer  www.y2k8loopfest.com
Thanks,  and now,  here's the POOP on the festival
                           if you want to be considered for the performance
Where:   Santa Cruz,    Pearl Alley Studios   (120 Pearl Alley, SC 95060)    
When:    Opening Night:
                October 17, Friday,  8 p.m. (for headliners and special events only)
                 the MAIN Festival
                 October 18, Saturday,  noon to midnight
                 October 19, Sunday,    noon to midnight
                  Annual Loopers Festival Decompression Bruncheon
                 October 20th, Monday     1 p.m .   site TBA
We'll try to accomodate as many sleeping bag equipped loopers as possible in
our compound and look for others in town to put travelling loopers up.
If you want the privacy of a hotel and have the moolah,   then I can provide
recommendations (put Y2K8  HOTEL NEEDED  into an email to me)

Dearest applicants for performance at the Y2K8 International Live Looping Festival:
This festival is the largest of it's kind on earth and celebrates the
myriad forms of live looping in all of it's idiosyncratic manifestations.   
Artists who rely primarily on prerecorded loops will NOT be accepted
for this festival.   As much as I respect and admire many artists who
use precanned loops, there are
dozens of festivals in the world that cater to such artists.
Thanks for understanding this distinction in advance.
Be prepared to have a very large portion of your performance use
live looping techniques.
If you have serious doubts about whether you would fit this criteria,
save yourself the trouble and don't apply.

Thank you so much for applying to perform on October 17-19, 2008 in Santa Cruz.

Due to the very large number of applicants for this festival and limited
performance spaces,we have decided that all performers will go through the same process of
applying for performance from now on.

If you'd like to perform please send the following information to me via the
snail mail.  I regret that, though convenient for the artists, 
I do not have time to go to websites or myspace pages to read or
listen to mp3s.
  There are just too many performers vying for spots on the
festival and I want to have some kind of a personal and artistic life during
the ensuing months.

Please send the following submission package to

412 Darwin Street
Santa Cruz, California, USA

It needs to contain:

1) CD or CDR of representative material.  Remember that this is a live
looping festival so artist who rely primarily on triggering premade loops in
programs like Ableton's Live , Acid or Garage Band should not apply.
Please no MP3s.........I just don't have the ability to play them and most
of my perusal occurs in my car driving to gigs.

2)  A second and separate CD with .JPEG digital photographs (suitable for
printing in a newspaper or magazine) of your act

3)  include a very short and pithy musical biography and description of your
life act on the same CD.

Please make the music CD and the photo/bio CD be separate.

4)  reproduce the following rules of performance and please sign it  just so
I know that everyone is on the same page about making the whole thing work.
It' s a logistical nightmare and only works if everyone works
for the whole team of artists.

reproduce and sign the following:


Performances all occur on two adjacent stages.  Up to 60 artists from up to 10
countries will perform continuously for a 24 hour period
over two days.   There are no breaks between acts so the music is

Because the stages adjoin in view of the audience members,   set up and
break down can be very distracting to the audience so it is imperative
that loading Artists be as sensitive as possible not to draw focus
from who is performing.

1) Artists have  20 minute maximum completely silent load in
      (Line checks can be accomplished with supplied headphones,  also silently)
2)  Artists have 30 minute maximum performance

3)  Artists have 10 minutes maximum complete silent evacuation of the stage


1) Artists who take longer to load will have time cut off of their performances

2) Artist who perform to long or take too long to evacuate the stage at the
end of their sets result in the next act having time shaved off their set.
Essentially,  please be concious and DON'T screw the next performer.


We run in the red every year (out of my pocket always) and there is no
compensation for the artists, unfortunately, consequently.

Over time, I am researching new ways to get granting and to get subsidies
from music companies.   These
invariably will be offered, first, to the artists who travel from out of the
country to come perform.


We charge at the door and
don't allow guests at all because the venue is 
just not large enough to acomodate more people.
This includes roadies or friends who help  you load in. 
They need to be prepared to pay for their entrance or have you pay for them.
We just can't afford to do this festival without sticking religiously with this
This is all pretty harsh but the only way we can keep this gowing without
losing our shirts (which I cannot afford to do).
I hope you understand and will
still come to play.
I have read the above rules of performance and agree to them.

signed ____________________________________


I try as hard a possible to make this thing bigger and better every year but
we are a very new art, still unable to draw large crowds of people, and the whole thing
is a gigantic (and wonderfully creative and fun) labor of love on everyone's part.
Look around you at all the staff and volunteers.   They are all working for 72 hours
for FREE.......just to serve this wonderful burgeoning and creative community.

Thank you very much for showing interest in this wonderful festival.  We'll
be blessed to have you come play.

with the deepest respect for everyone's artistry who applies for this

Rick Walker
Y2K International  Live Looping Festivals