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Re: Tapping into your musical/improvisational ideas and skills for my classroom!

On Aug 16, 2008, at 12:16 PM, margaret noble wrote:

>  I want to focus exclusively on sound, listening and musical  
> movements (no visual content). I plan on screening lots of  
> documentaries and presenting listening exercises for exposure and  
> dialog.

It is interesting that the words "no visual content" are immediately  
followed by "screening lots of documentaries."

>  It assumed that most  (maybe all) students have absolutely no  
> musical training thus the goal is to create exercises where success  
> is easy for the newbie.


> Ok, so there it is! I am looking for your input on listening  
> exercises (musical and purely sound-art), instrument construction,  
> improvisational warm-ups and even performance or recording projects.

I would recommend multiple listens to "Heart of the Forest" the music  
of the Baka from Cameroon. They make music with water splashes.
Beautiful use of rustic sound sources but not primitive music.
Very accessible.

Also, listen to Balinese Gamelan then listen to John Cage prepared  
piano music.

I would keep things simple, maybe exploring ostinato - short  
repetitive rhythmic figures (loops!) - that can be used as building  
Pass an ostinato from person to person or group to group. Vary  
ostinato person to person, etc.

Then explore "call and response" as an approach to structure.

Two other good places to ask your questions:





