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Re: Kaisers article - How I Lost 150 Ibs. thanks to Max/MSP!


>I`ve just read Kaiser article. This is very interesting. I would like to 
>understand more on this and relating topics. So I aks;

>1. what about the sound when one goes from pedals to software (analog v.s 
>digital sound)?
-Are the results of this (sound) also related to the instument one plays?

I think it can, but not necessarily...meaning it is not absolutely true 
one or the other must be the case, and it is relative to many factors.  
intent of the artist is one of many factors. Some guitarists in the purist 
camp of schools will only play through a tube amp, and they may not do 
with the change. Others guitarists have been playing through digital amps 
and effect processors for years, so moving to the computer may not be as a 
shift.  McLaughlin is a good example of this. It may not be as big a 
for an electro-acoustic musician playing the piano or sax, or in Jeff's 
the trumpet. Jeff had no problem with the shift of sound from pedals to 
max/msp. If anything, the clarity and control of his effects in max 
his sound. Again, too many factors to answer yes or no to that question, 
the absolute sense.

> -Will the guitar sound as good going digital

Depends on the artist.  The questio is entirely relative. This is somewhat 
of an un-answerable question unto itself, without considering the intent 
nature of the artist. For me the answer is yes.  In fact, I now like the 
sound of my guitar better through my amp VST sim and max/msp, then through 
traditional guitar amps. I have more control over my tone, rather than 
stuck with a one trick pony amp.

> 2. How/why is it better or easier to work with knobs on the software 
> compared to the pedals? Whats really the difference?

I don't personally think it is easer or harder either way in the end. 
for me it is physically easier to control my effect parameters with a foot 
controller or MIDI controller, than by bending down and manually tweaking 
nob. The difference is variance of control and diverse accessibility.

> 3. What does this changes means for the audience? Is the movement made 
> the player in the digital domain as realistic regarding the relationship 
> sound-movement that people are used to with acoustic instrument?

Good question. If we are talking the sonic output I don't think there is 
fundamental difference for the audience, especially non-musician 
I would be highly skeptical that a non-musician could tell the difference 
beween a max/msp delay effect and an Ibanez footpedal delay effect. That 
with sound, of course. Visually, an audience might find it more 
to watch a musician manually tweak pedals on the floor, vs. staring at the 
computer, or at his MIDI footpedal. This would be relevant of someone 
considers entertaining a requirement of performing or being an artist. I 
don't.  On the positive side, by going computer and more automated, it 
allows the artist to try different modes of entertainment that aren't gear 
related, but more engaging with the audience. For instance, if I am 
controlling my delay time with a foot pedal, I can look at the audience 
engage them; whereas if I an hunched over and focusing on a tiny nob, it 
not as easy to engage the audience.

> 4. How come that still many well known musicians still uses hardware? 
> (Hassel - Molvaer - Bugge - Aarset)

My option only: Because they are creatures of habit and/or don't have the 
time or motivation to move to laptop. Or, they are paying someone to lug 
their gear around, so it makes no difference what they use so long as they 
get their sound. I guarantee, if some of these premadonna rock stars had 
setup their own 20-space racks, tons of Marshall stacks, and countless 
pedals strung across the floor, they might consider streamlining their 
setups. :)   Moreover, I think it is a matter of time when everyone 
converts...not an IF, but when. Maybe 10 years? 20 years? I'm not sure, 
in the future I believe analog effects will be mostly in museums, replaced 
by digital effects that can emulate them beyond the ability for human 
to tell the difference.

> Are there more articles like Kaisers on topics like this?

Good question. I have not searched.
