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Re: OT: My master luthier instructor/Zen disciplinarian teacher and friend of the Universe William Eaton and one of his Youtube vids!

I can do this with my Variax. Plus switch to Resonater or 12 string or  
a strat. Also the VG can do it very well.
The dowside of the Gibson, is well, it's a gibson. When I was selling  
guitars, our shop would send back 40% of the Gibson Instruments. When  
there good, there great. But if you have a problem, there customer  
service is a nightmare.
On Jan 13, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Rick Walker wrote:

> Bob Weigel wrote:
> "But I think the whole idea is...with the Robo you can just hit a  
> button
> while you are playing the thing and have it go drop D tuning for  
> instance"
> This is exactly what is exciting about this invention.   In that  
> sense, it allows
> one (as with something like an Echoplex) to make music that has  
> never been made before.
> Touring briefly with Michael Manring,   it was wonderful to see the  
> new music for bass
> that he is creating by using hipshot D-tuners on all four strings of  
> his Zon Hyperbass.
> (I think he also has some kind of customized mechanical retuning  
> bridge as well,
> but I'm not sure how he uses it-----anyone want to chime in here?)
> He will play beautiful ringing harmonic passages and then flip a D- 
> tuner on one or more
> strings and the Harmonics will gliss down to their new tuning , as  
> they are ringing out.
> It's an ethereal and beautiful effect.
> He makes music I've never heard from any other bassist that I've  
> heard live or on record.
> One could be cyncial as say , well, it's just a gimmick or a trick,   
> but then again,
> so is a hammer on,  or a harmonic or flamenco flail, or, or,  
> or........
> I have a really beautiful capo called a 'Rolling Capo' that you can  
> barr chord
> retune in the middle of a passage, which is really cool as well.
> One beautiful thing about this (and I am a very primitive string  
> player so I'm no expert)
> is that the harmonics change on the instrument as you change the  
> tuning.
> If you are playing against a loop in the initial tuning of the  
> instrument, this allows for
> all kinds of reharmonizations that you never hear on a straigth  
> single tuned string instrument.
> The same thing can be approximated using false harmonics but the  
> harmonics on an open tuned
> instrument just resonate wonderfully and sound better imho.
> I also found this interesting capo called a 'Third Hand Capo'  that  
> allows you to fret (or not fret)
> anyone one of your six strings,  throwing the instrument into a new  
> open tuning.
> I've been experimenting with using the rolling capo to capo up the  
> guitar and then changing the
> tuning above the capo with the 'Third Hand Capo".
> Anyone know of any partial Capos that are out there?
> Are there dulcimer Capos, perchance?     I'm able to use capos on my  
> two strumsticks (which are like
> walking dulcimers to produce really beautiful harmonic results   
> (frequently modal ones, just becuase
> I love the sound of modal harmony and it's easy to  
> play..............lol).