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Was: Lex Jam, 1st real post

van Sinn,

This is my first real post in here (kindly overlook the brief review of Fripp's recent appearance in Fall River if you aren't a fan of the man ... ) and am posting because I feel your pain.

I, too, have a Lexicon Jamman with the 32 sec upgrade. But I have yet to find it as useful as the rest of my rig, which consists of the following (in signal sequence):

Godin xtSA guitar (using all 3 outputs, into the GR-20, for a full stereo signal) and Ebow
Roland GR-20
Lexicon Vortex
Lexicon Vortex
Lexicon Vortex
Lexicon MX200
Boss DD-20 GigaDelay
Boss DD-20 GigaDelay
...and then off to the mixer ...

I have another Vortex and a Lexicon 110 as "backups", along with a "retired" GR-1 that I will eventually figure out how to bring backinot the fold. Over the past two years, I have been experimenting with using expression pedals and various A/B switching pedalson the Vortexes, I think with some modest success.

The Vortex mania I lay squarely at the feet of Andy Butler, all the more so after I found out how much an Echoplex would cost me. (*grin ... just kidding, Andy! I heard/played one at my friend Darrell Burgan's studio, he of http://www.stillstream.com -fame and it was downhill from there! When your spouse says "You need one of those" do you argue?)

Some recent examples can be heard over here:


...and yes, "Lexiconian Lament" is meant to be a little tongue in cheek ... I'd just had a Vortex die on me and was scrambling to locate another one for a performance ...



On 11/6/07, van Sinn <vansinn@post.cybercity.dk> wrote:
Andy vigorously suggested the EDP, but no way I can afford it in a
forseeable future. Guess it'll be a Jamman with Bob's software.
I also have a Vortex; though mostly used for efffects, I can still use
it for certain play'n'loop'n'replace'n'fadeout-as-you-go things :), plus
my TSR24 (upgraded to dual SDISH and more ram) can do maybe 5 secs, so
those three in combination ought to be enough.

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "van Sinn" < vansinn@post.cybercity.dk>
> To: "Loopers-Delight" <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 9:05 AM
> Subject: Lex Jamman mem and software mods?
>> In earlier postings, memory constains in the Lexicon Jamman has been
>> discussed in here, but AFAICT was never implemented. Or were they?
>> I can live with 32 secs loops, but twice that would be nice ;)
>> I've also seen quite some threads about software revisions, but what's
>> the status, available from where..?  Someone must have the Sources..

van Sinn