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New #/loopchat channel on IRC (FOR NERDS!)

Hi fellow NERDS! (or geeks, dorks, what ever)

Years ago I started dating a girl who did a ton of
chatting over ol'school IRC (Internet Relay Chat).  At
first I thought they were purely for silly
pick-up/flirt times, but she assured me that it
wasn't, but was instead a way for instantanious
communication between a community of friends.

I reluctantly joined and ended up meeting a ton of
people that I now call my friends, in a similar way to
the people here I've met who I call friends.  We often
hang out in the real world as well.  Often meetings
are initated via chat in a very spontanious way. 
(Hey, anyone on line want to meet for sushi?)

So anyway, what I've done is created a channel for us.
 It's simple to join.  First you need an IRC client. 
There are free ones for the Mac or XP world.  I go to
versiontracker.com and do a search on "irc" and a
bunch come up.  I'm using colloquy for Mac OSX but
there's also visualIRC for XP (it's not as friendlly
though so I'm sure you can do better, I just don't use
my PC for s such things.

Anyway, think of it as a way to augment the LD list. 
A kind of continual virtual coctail party, where if
your board and/or lonely you can log on and say, "HEY,
has anyone ever had quantize problems with an
Echoplex?" or something like that.  Of course the
topic can be (I hope) as varied and often off topic as
LD can be, but hopefully it can hover around loop
based music.

So, in the client of your choice put in
electricrain.com as your irc channel.  Then type /join
#/loopchat and you'll be in.  It's an experiement that
I'm not sure will work, but why not?  



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