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drumset under 300.00 dlls (was Re: Looper's Christmas list)

ok so this is not a loop pedal but a drumset my 8 yr
old son has been asking for(the loopers i already have
so he practices)
so to all you drumers what drumset would you buy under
300.00 dlls.that sounds like a million?
China is bringing to many options but i dont want to
be buying a new set every year!

--- Mark Hamburg <mark_hamburg@baymoon.com> wrote:

> On Dec 15, 2006, at 2:53 PM, Matt Davignon wrote:
> > I'm afraid the correct english would be "y'all's
> Christmas lists". :)
> Actually, since it's addressed to more than one
> person, it should be  
> "all y'all's Christmas lists".
> "y'all" is the formal second person singular -- the
> equivalent of  
> using "vous" to address an individual instead of
> "tu".
> "all y'all" is the second person plural.
> Or so I'm told.
> Mark


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