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Re: Question about looping software

On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 06:12:37PM -0800, Sean Onion wrote:
> Newbie here... short question is this: I'd like advice about Apple based 
> s/w that can do live looping.
> So this is what I'm thinking.  I've got an older i-Mac with OSX 10.2.8, 
> 1Gb ram, 130Gb disk and an Oxygen-8 USB midi keyboard.  I looked at 
> Ableton Live but the current version is as much as the RC-50 so I don't 
> think I can afford that route in the short term.  Plus, in my experience 
> there are sometimes open-source s/w that are as good as or better than 
> commercial software. 
> I'd like to hear from you as to what I should do.
> Sean 

I seem to think saving up for Live is something to think about still.
For my software setup it works quite well. A midi foot pedal, keyboard
controller and my guitar replaces a rack of stuff I use. With Live you
can really do alot. I think most people may miss alot you can do
with looping in live. Just gotta think it out first.

Other than that Sooperlooper I'd suggest also.
If you go on the linux side, try seq24 then.