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Guitar Rig 2 as looper or looper feed?

Hey boys and girls!

As someone who's slowly abandoning "a real setup" and
moving into a virtual one, the below comment about
Guitar Rig piqued my interest.

I recently downloaded the demo... and kind of loved
it.  I'd really been resisting this final plung into
computer based processing... Even now the idea of it
makes me feel uneasy... Is this feeling justified?

I don't know if it was accurate in it's emulations of
all the gear it emulates, but in general with not too
much tweaking I found the sound to be good and it
totally reminded me of a time when all my guitar
processing didn't come from couple of boxes.  There
was my good old rack from years gone by... all
rendered in lovely little LCD pixels.

I was able to insert it in my audio channel next to 4
other channels hosting VSTi's and an insert channel
containing Mobius and it worked like a charm... for 30
minutes. (demo time)  CPU purred away at about 40%.  I
didn't even have time to get to it's looper.  Is it a
good tool or throw-away feature like many add on
loopers are?

So, I guess I don't have any other questions other
than to ask what your experience with Guitar Rig 2 is.
 Is the controller worth it, or should I stick to a
different controller (my audio interface seemed to
work great)

I've read other reviews but I know you peeps are A)
Smarter than the average human and B) Push the limits
of your gear harder than your average musician.



> On 2 nov 2006, at 16.16, paul wrote:

> Once I had this all laid out I've only had to tweek
it a bit but  
> I've been very happy with the results. I generally
> only have 3 or 4  effects in a chain, but some of
them already have
> multiple effects running as in guitar rig or
freeamp2 and those are
> quite cpu intensive. 

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