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Re: Scales [was RE: Mathematics, Prime Numbers, & Looping with theEDP]

loopdelightml@nosuch.biz wrote:

>E.g. this example is entirely in the 
>Db mixolydian b6 mode (if that's what you'd call it):
>What totally fascinates me about this particular one is that it sounds 
>a minor scale even though you have the major 3rd right in there. Only by
>flattening the 6th it gets that minor twist. Love it.
I don't know if it's just my karma :-), but I'm getting the following 
when trying http://nosuch.biz

>   Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /nosuch.biz/soundz/8threplace.mp3 
> on this server.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.xmlizer.biz Port 80

Looking forward to hearing the comp! 
I've been enjoying a melodic device I found in Robert Schumann's short 
piano piece "Aveu."  Thought of in terms of the blues scale, you could 
use the scale's 5th over the i chord, the flatted 5th in a MII chord, 
and let that linger/resolve into the 7th of a V7.  (In A Minor, that 
would be an E, Eb, D over the A Minor, B Major, E7.)  If Schumann was 
doing this in the 1800's, it's been around for a while, but it was a new 
understanding to my ear/head! 
