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Re: you've got a point! RE: tough Beantown crowds

At 12:38 PM -0500 3/8/05, Tony K wrote:
>>Oh, and I'm in a Bluegrass band too.  Jack of all
>>trades, master of none...
>We had this saying when I was doing engineering/programming consulting 
>"An expert is someone who learns more and more about less and less 
>until he knows everything about nothing."
>"A consultant is someone who learns less and less about more and 
>more until he knows nothing about everything."

Back when I was doing my post (Berklee) graduate work at Boston cab, 
I was driving a fellow from the airport to one of the downtown 
hotels. We got to talking and I asked him what he did. He said he was 
a consultant. I asked him what that was and he said that a consultant 
is a person who knows an infinite number of ways to have sex but 
doesn't know any girls.  I vowed never to become a consultant.


Edwin Hurwitz
Boulder CO
http://www.cafemontalban.com Location Recording Services