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Freebird solo (was crowd support)

Mike Feeny wrote:

But I won't be one of those dudes who lugs along a looping rig just to play
a solo during "Free Bird." ;)  

Oh, and I'm in a Bluegrass band too.  Jack of all trades, master of none...

---->The background for a solo on Freebird is approximately 4 seconds--
You could do that with a $99 Digitech delay pedal--
And many bluegrass(and Celtic!) tunes can be played over short loops.

As far as the loving support of your fellow man, good luck . . . I've been
playing music for money for almost 30 years now and still don't have a
handle on how to successful blend art and commerce--but I sure admire those
talented and hardworking people who can keep the public's attention with
music (or other art) that they create without compromise.

Best to all,
PS  the Walrus quote had to do with the groove of the piece Kim G was