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Re: terry riley's organ, Hammond looping

according to Bob Moog in an article by Freff, Riley used a Farfisa when "In
C" was presented along with "Switched-On Bach" at a press luncheon.
According to Peter Forrest, Riley later used a Yamaha YC-45D. An 
organ, indeed, and most un-organish in many respects. I use a YC-30 (the
single manual version) for looping and processing (like Eno did, too).


> what organ did Riley use with his Time Lag Accumulator? was it a 
> Hammond, Lowrey, Wurlitzer, or other? if it was a Hammond, does anyone 
> know what model it was?
> i'm curious because i've finally started to loop my Hammond and i'm 
> interested in precedents in Hammond looping. the only one I have on 
> record is a Jimmy McGriff vs Groove Holmes concert which Jimmy does 
> some textural looping on the Hammond (into a tape echo) on a slow blues 
> ("Talk To Me" on Giants Of The Jazz Organ Live). funny  ... i always 
> assumed it was Groove that did that because he used an Echoplex quite 
> often in the 70s, but close listening last month showed me it was 
> actually Jimmy, who never used _any_ effects on his organ.
> if anyone else knows any loopists who use a Hammond, let me know.
> btw, i've been looping for 8 years and playing organ for 6 and i've 
> NEVER looped the Hammond. don't know why i haven't, other than i 
> usually play bass. Travis H said he was interested in hearing some 
> Hammond looping, so i wired my organ into a crossover so i could play 
> bass and loop my right hand stuff.
> then i had to plug in the Dan-O-Wah, and the Echo Pro, then i had to go 
> buy a solid state leslie ...
> ... now i sound nothing like i did last week.
> for those interested, i will post recordings soon of this crazy stuff. 
> the Hammond can sound remarkably digital if you do certain things with 
> it.
> ---
> Eric Williamson
> www.suitandtieguy.com

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