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Re: MIDI percussion control for Repeater?

At 06:33 PM 2004.07.19, Doug Cox wrote:
>Heya Sean,
>Thanks for replying!  I found those units today during some Googling.  
>seems like a solution of last resort:
>- only 10 note->cc mappings can be done, total.  Seems like they could 
>a "note number = controller #, velocity = control value" mode, but instead

Whoops - that's what I assumed was possible...  sorry.

>each note->cc mapping takes up one of ten slots
>- and it costs $150 :(  Seems like I should be paying about $200 for the
>whole damned solution.  Am I just being stubborn?
>I'm "just saying no" to a laptop in this situation.
>Doesn't someone make a simple multipad controller that can send out MIDI
>CC's on pad hits? :(

Is the MPD16 made for hands or sticks?
Looks like it supports CC output.