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RE: Zvex Effects Inquiry

Title: RE: Zvex Effects Inquiry

>>.....and Lo-Fi Loop Junky.....<<

I had to go & read about this one (http://www.zvex.com/junky.html) because it appears to be looping hardware which, so far as I can recall, hasn't been discussed by any users on this list yet. I don't see it in the "tools.." section or anywhere else. care to submit a review, steve? I don't expect the thing to be up there with the EDP, repeater & jam-man in terms of functionality, but then the dl4 isn't either & I've lost hours & hours to my little green monster..... the dl4 is probably my "desert island pedal"; I'd like to be sure that the loop-junky is in that general territory before hassling the dealer to stock one for me to try.

the bad news is that the loop-junky (in the UK, anyway) is quite expensive for what it does.
for what it /is/, however, along with zach's other little boxes, £300 is probably about right. the ones I've seen in "sounds great" in cheadle are little works of art, & zach deserves our patronage.



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