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EMUSIC Playlist #360 for February 12, 2004


EMUSIC</a> is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that airs 
each Thursday
at 11:00 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA 93.9 FM in Easton,
PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, 92.9 FM on Service Electric Cable, and 
webcasting on
the internet.

                    Show #360                    February 12, 2004

On this show, I continued the month-long focus on the Ambient Music Mailing
List, part of Hyperreal's music resource archives.  The Featured CD at 
was "ambient.01@hyperreal" disc two by members of the mailing list.

The Vinyl Starter was from the LP "In Search of Ancient Gods" by Absolute
Elsewhere on Warner Brothers.

I will play the music of the Ministry of Inside Things who will be 
playing at
the Gate to Moonbase Alpha and other area shows.  See the Events Page for

Ambient Music Mailing List - 
The Ministry of Inside Things - http://synkronosmusic.com/moit.html


ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== 
11:00 pm
Absolute Elsewhere      Moon City                In Search of Ancient 
Gods (WB)
VA [Tom van Draft]      Blue Halo                Liquid Sound Vol 2 
VA [AirSculpture]       Not Raving, Floating     Liquid Sound Vol 2 
Palancar                Children of Earth, Dogs  Momerath (Blue Water)
                          of War
Jean Michel Jarre       Le Pays de Rose          Les Granges Brulees 
Wolfram Spyra and       Acht 39                  Achtundsechzig 24 
  Chris Lang
VA [Rodrigo Sigal]      Friction of Things in    Electroacoustic Music 
Vol IX
                          Other Places             (Electroshock)

12:00 am
VA [Dream Spy]          Dream Spy                ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [Amongst Myselves]   5am Melbourne 1996       ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [Kendall Jackman]    Weightless               ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [dreamSTATE]         White Winter Moon        ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [Forrest Fang]       Harmonia                 ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [M. Bentley]         Dead Suns                ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [DMX]                The Self Dreams of Mandi ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [Mikael Hillborg]    Curse                    ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [Deep Chill Network] Alone                    ambient.01@hyperreal 
VA [GYS]                Bechwith's Feeling       ambient.01@hyperreal 

1:00 am

 * = exerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
++ = Advance CDR from Artist

On the next EMUSIC, I'll continue the month-long focus on the Ambient Music
Mailing List.  The Featured CD at Midnight will be 
"ambient.02@hyperreal" disc
one by members of the mailing list.

The Vinyl Starter will be from the LP "CON" by Conrad Schnitzler on the 

Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient,  and space music show,  
Thursdays at 11
pm (GMT-5:00) on WDIY 88.1 FM in Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in 
and Phillipsburg.  Listen on-line to WDIY at http://wdiy.org  and click  
EMUSIC web site - http://wdiy.org/programs/emusic
To subscribe to the EMUSIC-on-WDIY mailing list, click on [Join This 
Group!] at