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RE: How to match parameters on two EDPs

Thanks Claude!

This is the ONLY sysex I want to mess with, but is exactly what I was
looking for!  With a couple of patches to switch units to the same midi
channel AND/OR different midi channels, live footpedal midi can switch
between dual mono and stereo use, where the same PMC10 banks can control
both or either EDP with an economy of effort/patches. Very cool!

Thanks for the reminder about SoundDiver's monitor as a way of seeing
the syntax of parameter changes...


> in sounddiver there is a midi monitor where you can see what message
> edp
> editor spits to the edp (individual param messages for the edp pset
> buffer only; global params are sent as one dump)
> F0 00 01 30 0B 01 01 11 02 01 7F ch F7 this should change the channel
> where
> ch 1=$00, Ch2=$01, et
> BUT this changes channels to both edps
> if you want to change ch on only the slave you must set it to a
> device id manually (check the manual) so that the message only go to
> of
> the pair
> F0 00 01 30 0B xx  01 11 02 01 7F ch F7
> xx is device id, id  01=$01,  id 02=$02  etc....
> but frankly you're looking for trouble when asking for complicated
> without really studying midi and the manual for a while
> IMHO advanced stuff is for advanced users that can debug it