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Re: talkative audiences

--- mark <sine@zerocrossing.net> wrote:
> A lot of the time it's ambient and
> meant to be part of the environment...

One time I was playing in a small room where there
were 15-20 people, and coming off a break I
intentionally but discreetly let the sound of the
audience's ethyl-augmented socializing in through a
mic onto a short loop of seven seconds or so, and
layered it up a couple of times so it sounded like
more hubbub but not so much that individual
words/sentences were obliterated beyond recognition. I
kept the fader down so you couldn't hear the loop; it
looked like I was just getting ready to start playing

Midway through the next piece, I faded in the
babel-loop, mixing it prominently over the very sparse
loop I'd been playing. It was interesting to watch the
light bulbs switch on over (some of) their heads and
big grins when they realized why the voices sounded

They didn't quiet down any, though... 8^P


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