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Volume pedals (was Re: Rack Setup)

I'm another user of multiple volume pedals, all in stereo, including one
Ernie Ball, and at least two each of Boss and Proel (same as Bespeco?---the
VP15, and it's the best buy I've found; $30 at AMS). I've also had but
dumped a couple of Rolls versions. I, too, place these just before the
input to processors, so they don't cut off the processing. The problem with
all of 'em except the Ernie is that they don't go to fully silent when heel
down...there's always a little bleed. Worst offender was the Rolls. This is
usually not a big deal on a parallel effect like a reverb, etc., but I
sprang for the Ernie in front of my main looping delay, in order to keep
the loop really silent when that's what I want. It's the only one that
really works as you'd expect!

                    Tim Nelson                                             
                    <psychle62@yah       To:     
                    oo.com>              cc:                               
                                         Subject:     Re: Rack Setup       
                    01:26 PM                                               
                    Please respond                                         

I too find a volume pedal indispensible; the Ernie
Ball is like the Cadillac of 'em, but I've also used
DeArmond, Boss FV-50's, a slew of Bespeco's which are
great for the price (basically the same as the Boss
for a lot less $), and right now I'm really enjoying a
Dunlop Mister CryBaby that I got to kill both volume
and wah birds with the same stone. Depending on the
situation, I use as many as five volume pedals in my
setup, including the one between a mic pre and the
board that controls a Shure SM-57 for when I want to
introduce flutes/vocals into a loop*...

As far as its position in the effect chain, though, I
prefer to put it *between* gain or modulation effects
and time-based ones; ie. after most pedals, but
*before* delays and reverbs, thus controlling input
but not cutting off the 'tails'...


* a digression re looped vocals: the other day I
picked up a cheap set of walkie-talkies ($5.74 at
WalMart) and have been experimenting with holding one
of them (the receiving unit) over a guitar pickup
(thus on through effects/loopers) whilst, um,
'vocalizing' into the other one. Much fun.

--- Evan Meyers <evanmeyers@yahoo.com> wrote:
> volume pedal which i would put post effects,right
> before the looper

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