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searching for a used edp or boomerang... (surrending about a repeater, sob...)

Hi to all!
I still am without a looper! 
I can't pay the price people ask for a repeater, so, I would like to know 
anyone here could send me a edp with foot pedal or a boomerang.
The choice will be made basing on the price (unfortunately at the moment I
can't chooce what I need, but what I can pay).
I would of course prefer an edp, well at first a repeater, because I need
more track indipendently adjstable, and I don't think to need many of the
more advanced edp functions. But an edp would be better than a rang for me.
Anyway, it will depend on the prices...
Thank to You all!
P.s.: can anyone suggest me a good cheap vocal harmonizer with more than 2
vocals? Cheaper than digitech and akai ones... If you have one used...
Thanks... (I need, to realize my project, a theremin, an harmonizer, a
multieffect device or two, and a looper. And I have more or less 1000$ for
all... It is not easy, so maybe I have to renounce to something... but I
can't decide what I need less!!!)