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Re: Re: Off-Topicers Delight!

I tend to agree with Mark, I've posted a few technical questions in the
past, loop related or at least loop equipment related, that have been
cheerfully answered by people on the list, BTW thank you again!
And I will post on the list if somebody asks something I have answers for,
or if I feel I can add positively to the ambient noise.
The list fulfills its intended purpose anyway, all the people posting on LD
are 'loopers' in a way or another, and the discussion comes back to 
looping techniques, looping gear no matter what.
I even read people saying they're looping W.Bush's insane talking! Which
cheerfully proves once more that propaganda is the best developped of all
the looping techniques.

All the best,

> From: Mark <sine@zerocrossing.net>
> Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2003 00:45:35 -0800
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: Re: Off-Topicers Delight!
> To be honest... what is there left to talk about?  We've been through
> every function of every major hardware looper about 100 times.  We've
> done the philosophy into the ground as well.  I even think we're
> positive that "Looping" is not a genera of music... so I honestly can't
> think of a single loop related thread to start.  I think in a sense that
> means the list is maturing, maybe getting stale.  I'm sure there are
> hundreds of list members, but let's face it, there are probably about 20
> of us that do most of the posts.  An infusion of new loopers would be
> nice, but where are they?  Not too many it seems.  I still enjoy the
> list though.  I actually kind of enjoy the off topicness of it all
> because after a while talking about looping just gets damn repetitive.
> Mark Sottilaro
> Kim Flint wrote:
> Looper's Delight now appears to be 95% off-topic!