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Re: mathematic processes & tone clock

> why fear anything?
> what does meaning mean?

What a "hofstadterian" response, and the one that I probably would have
made.   I really like the Steve Martin reference.   What a great way to
describe the infinite distinction between intended meaning on the part of
the sender (artist) and perceived meaning on the part of receiver
(audience).   I think that I'm gonna steal that one.
With the fear thing, I think that what I was responding to was the cautions
mentioned in the earlier posts in this thread about the use of math as a
compositional tool.   I have to say that even tho I didn't always grasp the
meaning of math as well as I do now, I still understood it's importance to
music and looping, in particular.   Actually, my looping may have informed
my math understanding more than the other way around, but I suppose that's
chicken or egg stuff.   In the end, I would have to say that I genuinely
feared math in my time.

> i never had a math block, so i have always known the connection
> between math and music and never understood why it was
> not obvious to everyone.

And so what if you never had a math block, do you think that I care ;)
Actually I'm not jealous of mathematicians at all, but mathematical artists
start making me humble with the quickness.   But i'm still working on it...

lance chance

----- Original Message -----
From: "jim palmer" <jimp@pobox.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: mathematic processes & tone clock

> >Lance Chance wrote a bunch of stuff:
> >...
> >I, too, went through a math music phase during my 6th and 7th year of
> >development...
> >...
> excellent post.
> i'm also a fan of hofstadter.
> i never had a math block, so i have always known the connection
> between math and music and never understood why it was
> not obvious to everyone.
> > Do not fear an excess of math something, only fear a lack of meaning.
> why fear anything?
> what does meaning mean?
> anyone remember steve martins banjo bit where he uses his nose for the
> bplpllllinkkk
> "i dunno, this just has more MEANING to me..."
