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Looper cencus

On Thursday, July 4, 2002, at 05:54 AM, Mark Hamburg wrote:

> It would be interesting to know how big the looping community is 
> relative to
> the size of this list

Its growing by the day.... :)

I think that loopers influence other people into becoming loopers. Just 
over the past 2 months or so, I've persuaded two people to purchase 
DL4's, and another to get a Repeater (damn, I still have not told him 
the news). The freedom that live looping gives to a musician, as you 
know, is amazing. Its like a drug, and highly addictive. Once tried, it 
is very hard to give it up.

Bear in mind that up until recently, the looping community has been 
relatively small, simply due to the price of the specialist hardware 
needed (tape loopers, EDP's, Repeaters etc). But we are seeing a lot of 
low-budget equipment (Boss/Line6), and also software (Live) hit the 
stores. Even sequencing software (FruityLoops/Reason) is looping - and 
just imagine how many people use those....

Just out of interest, how many people are actually registered to this 
list? Anyone have access to this info?
Stuart Wyatt - Solo String Project