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Re: Behringer

I can not follow the arguments to beat on Behringer,like it is an ugly

Ethics in buisiness is already a question for itself wich could lead us to
endless debates.A so 
called infinity loop.
But we should realize,that each buisiness affair of the western world has a
bunch full of ethical
problems.Especially the relation between the so called "first(western 
to the "Third world"
has massive ethical problems.In short it could be said,that the western
world rips of most re-
sources of the "third world" for really a cheap and shameless money.From
this resources the "First
world" makes products wich it sells itself to the own group,but also for an
highly amount price
back to the "Third World".Most people there can not afford these
products.Problematic and
mostly egoistic gouverments of the "Third World" prefer it to buy from the
"first world" weaponary.

The poor and powerless labour in each country is not of interest to them.SO
why can it be,that 
cheap medecine(for the western world) is still not affordable for the 
in the "third world".
This is really an ethical problem.
It makes also no sense to lower down the prices for the "third world",maybe
their gouverments(wich
are mostly corrupt) would maybe reimport them to the western world.Cheaper
as the original price
for the western world,but with a high profit for the "Third world
gouverment".From this win,they
buy again weaponary.

It makes also no sense to wish China to Hell.The political system there is
also only overlayed
structure and display.But so called democracies of the third world are
political different 
displayed as China.But the daily life of the poor labour has the same
quality in both systems.
It makes no sense to boykott China and let the Phillipines take part on the
global market.
The situation for the poor labour is in both systems the same.Because they
are not part of the 
"First World"-wich is merely dominated by the angloamerican,westeuropean 
japanese society.
10% of the human citizens controls and uses 90% of the earth ressources.
Where is here the ethic ? 
And from an ecological view,where is the ethic of the US,when they avoid to
sign the Agenda21 of 
Kyoto ? We all know,that all this dirt form the "first world" will be
flushed down to the third
world.With all its negative aspects.

What has this all to do with Behringer ? At least not much,but also
all.Behringer is a part of
the "first world" system.

But to mention,that Behringer is a copycat company wich only rips of the
poor "Mackie" is a fairy
tale for children.There we need always a "bad" character.
In this story is to much black and white tracing and far away from reality.

Well,I know much better Mixing Consoles as Mackies.Mackie is in my eyes 
a cheapo producer.
The way how an mixing console works is already explained and described for 
long time.So this
knowledge is a kind of Public Domain.Like a traditional song,where no one
knows who was its first 
Designing a mixing console is a creative work.But at least it is also a
patchwork.Or does Mackie
produces the Faders with a special patent ? Not like that,they buy maybe 
Faders or an equalizer
unit from Phillips.Just and example.....And at least the resistors inside
will come from all over
the world.
Form this ingredients they develop their own receipt and assemble the
Behringer does it the same.But both companies do not start from Zero to
reinvent the Mixing Console.
Behringer looks how Mackie designed the Console.Like Mackie inverstigated
from other companies
products how to make a good design.I call this more Influencing and
inspiration.But not ripping.
Important is,how this companies operate in the buisiness.Behringer in the
low cost market and Mackie
one storage up of Behringer.
Both companies have to make compromises.Behringer more as Mackie.But this 
more an economic question
depending on the Endprices.

I donīt speak here about Quality of the products.I donīt use wether
Behringer nor Mackie Mixing
Consoles.Both are in my ears cheapo,but for the ones who can use them-and I
am sure they are both
usable-it is OK.That I use an uper class console was my subjective
decision,that this one fits 
to me.

The only thing wich makes me a little upset,is the direction where such
commentaris about 
Behringer points to.It is not fair,tho throw with stones on one company and
to praise up the 
other to heaven.Like an innocent Madonna...This is to far away from 

Mackie also ripped a lot of other companies products.But this is no reason
to damm them.
They got inspired and influenced by those companies.There is nothing wrong
in such practice.
A mixing console nothing new or something wich needs special protection.The
shematic is already
clear.And most consoles work and look like all the others.

And at least,to offer more low cost products,Mackie could go the same or
similiar way like 

I guess the managment of Mackie does not trace it as "Ethical Problem" if
Behringer gets some
inspiration of Mackie.It is only a marketing and operating problemn for



>Von: SoundFNR@aol.com
>An: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>Betreff: Re: Behringer 
>Datum: Die, 12. Jun 2001 11:08 Uhr

>So why are people really down on Behringer?
>There's no evidence as to how they treat their Chinese employees.
>And there doesn't appear to be a proven case of them ripping
>off circuits that weren't public domain. 
>Seems to me that they try to make products 
>that are either similar to something already on the market,
>but improved. (Ok, and/or cheaper).
>Seems to me that Mackie enjoyed an inflated reputation
>prior to Behringer, I tried their mixers and thought
>they were just another cheapo variety.
>after Behringer they've redesigned their products,
>(claiming a massive improvement in pre-amp quality)
>I'd call this healthy competition.
>It seemed that after Behringer introduced compressors
>with auto-settng that a whole load of other
>companies copied them, they've also produced 
>gear with no equivalents elsewhere. 
>Not that I'm pro-Behringer (apart from buying some of their stuff),
>but I'm interested as to why they are picked out as 
>being particularly unethical as compared to other companies
>(Lexicon MPX100  "made in PRC")
>Well if they do ever bring out a looper?????
>andy butler 