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EDP with SR-16

Hello again--Here's more info on my setup.
I've been trying some different ways to start and stop the SR-16, the
Echoplex, and Cakewalk (a sequencer) on a laptop computer.  Cakewalk has a
key binding for play.  The PMC-10 has a 1/4" input jack so I can start/stop
the SR-16.  And I'm using note on/off info to control the Echoplex.  (Oh,
and the PMC will send note on with no note off, which is THE RESET BUTTON
FOR THE EDP!!!!  So very cool!!!)
Anyway, the PMC-10 has much flexibility in its configuration, so I have 
experimenting.  Here are some ways I have found to use all this wonderful
stuff together--
You gotta change the pattern for the SR first while the SR is off, so I 
two banks with different beats (patterns) assigned to pedals A, B, C, D, E,
H and I, with pedal F as SR on and pedal G as SR off, mute EDP.  So I 
a beat style, then tap a tempo using the fill pedal on the SR (which 
as a tap tempo--the stop button on the top of the SR also does this).  Then
I start the machine from the PMC-10 (pedal F).  I usually use the EDP pedal
to begin recording on the EDP, and to go into the other modes.  I can start
with the drums if I press record first, or after the first measure if I 
to give the EDP a chance to read the clock (a good idea).  On another bank 
have a pedal configured like pedal G but which starts the sequencer when 
EDP and SR-16 stops.
There's more, but that's probably plenty  ;>)