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Sync SR-16 With Echoplex--Also! Change patterns thru MIDI (sort of long)

OK, here's the problem--
In order for the SR-16 to be synced to the EDP, it has to receive a clock
from the EDP.  That clock will only be generated after the first loop is
closed.  Therefore, if you want the drums to start when you begin recording
your first loop, you need the EDP to be synced to the SR-16.  So you would
start the drums at the desired tempo and press record and begin playing, 
at the same time.
I am doing this--sort of.  I use the PMC-10 by Digitech to send a variety 
messages simultaneously, sometimes to start the drums first and then record
later, since the EDP really wants to see the clock from the drums first.
Now, you don't really have to sync the drums; if you are precise enough and
the loop is not too short, you should be able to start both at the same
time.  The PMC is great for this since it has the ability to start non-MIDI
devices which use a footswitch.  But the best way is to let the drums play
for a measure before starting to record.  BTW, if you have quantize on, you
can hit the record button anytime before beat one and it start on beat one
of the next measure.
I have found a way to change patterns on the SR-16 with MIDI.  As the
display is not backlit, I have always found it a chore to find the right
pattern while on stage.  I discovered how to do this with MIDI while using
the Ztar (Starr Labs guitar type synth controller--
http://www.starrlabs.com ).  It generates a command called Song Select 
turns out to be the command Alesis has implemented to change patterns.
Unfortunately it doesn't work while the drums are playing.  I couldn't
figure out how to generate the command from the hand help programmer which
the PMC uses, but by using the record mode on the PMC I was able to capture
it.  This way you can label the proper footswitch and use the foot
controller and avoid turning your back on the audience.  So anyone using
this combination, if you need the patch, contact me and I will send it to
you off list.
PS  Still need a job!

----- Original Message -----
> I want to sync my Alesis SR-16 to the Echoplex.  I've read both manuals,
> but I don't know much about midi.
> > I record with Multiple Loops.  I'd like the drum machine to start when 
> press record on Loop 1.  Presently, I record a loop, press record again,
> and the drum machine starts.  I'm wanting everything to begin
> simultaneously, and I want the drum machine locked into it's tempo - not
> shaped by how long the loop may run (I'll use the drum machine as my
> track").    I'd like to activate the process by pressing record on the
> Echoplex.
> > Also, I'd like the same beat from the drum machine to continue thru the
> recording of Loop 2, 3, etc.
> > So, I press record in Loop 1 and begin playing my loop to the fixed
> drum track.  I go to Loop 2 as the drum track continues to play.  Loop 3,
> > Thank you!
> > Michael