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Re: Repeater spotted!

>yes, please, connect to a clock source and change the speed a bit to 
>see whether the loop realy follows exactly without artefacts, that 
>would be my favourite feature!
>I am somewhat tired of the constant speed loops, the "beat prison".


Sorry,  didn't get a chance to read my emails before attending the 
show on Saturday.  I did spend a good amount of time chatting with 
Damon and playing with the Repeater.  It was very cool...Damon asked 
if i wanted a demo of the Repeater and i said "sure!".  He started to 
set it up with the cd player as the source and i said "can I use the 
guitar as the source?" and we went from there...talking 
implementation, ideas, and such...as the demo went on, there were 
lots of interruptions from me going "ALRIGHT!!!!"

We didn't do the example you spoke of.  What we did do was have two 
other electrix units slaved to the midi clock of the repeater...the 
Filter Factory and the MoFx.  I captured a loop on track one, did an 
overdub on track two, and played a bit with the pan, pitch, and 
volume.  Then while i was playing along, Damon started adding in 
effects.  Being able to patch in effects before the loop, OR after 
the loop is terrific!  What i found especially nice what that the 
effects after the loop are effecting only the loop, not your incoming 
signal passing through the looper.  Very nice that you could be 
playing a clean sound, yet when it gets captured, you could have all 
kinds of wild effects on it!

The next WOW was when we changed the tempo on the loops.  Damon said 
there was some question of how the tempo change was still to be 
implemented.  When you adjust tempo, does it automatically change to 
the new tempo, or does it drift to the new tempo over a period of 
time?  As far as i could tell, the drift effect is what is in the 
software at the moment.  I would like to have it available as a 
choice.  Maybe some sort of button combination during powerup...

Anyway, we altered the tempo of the loop pretty radically.  And as 
the loop was 'drifting' to it's new tempo, ALL of the effects on the 
slaved machines were 'drifting' along too, following the Repeater. 
We had an LFO going on the Filter Factory and a Delay on the MoFx, 
and they all slowly came down in tempo in perfect synch with each 

we're all going to have to wait a bit, but this machine promises a 
lot of sonic possibilities.
