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Re: Responding to "gig spam"

This is an interesting thread, i think, in that we are collectively 
defining some boundaries.  How harsh should one be in critiquing a 
fellow Looper?  Should we be soft, because we might hurt their 
feelings?  Hurt their career?

Or should we be blatantly honest, since they did advertise here, and 
encouraged to come to the show and give our opinions?

IMHO...Don't expect to be treated with kid gloves if you're doing 
something "out there".  If you're doing noisy stuff, then the 
majority of people are going to hear just plain noise. I don't think 
we should protect these people's feelings.  The avante folks here 
would see my music as alt/pop/garbage, i'll bet.

But respect is different to enjoyment.  I respect Sonic Youth, but 
don't prefer to listen to them.  I've seen Nels Cline play a few 
times, and while i enjoyed myself at the experience of going to a 
show and seeing talented people play, i don't particularly like the 
style of music he plays.  I'd rather listen to Kind of Blue than 
Bitches Brew.  And that's just a tiny, tiny slice of the musical pie 
according to my personal tastes...

kudos all around, to the advertisement, the performance and the critiques!


>I have some friends on this list who post their gigs.  No, Stu 
>Leibig is not one of them but that is because I never met him 
>I have a friendly suggestion to any would-be critics.  If you feel 
>compelled to respond with a non-constructive critique of the gig, I 
>suggest you send it in private email rather than to the list.  I 
>don't see anything good coming out of sending inflammatory comments 
>to the list where everyone can see them and thus publicly humiliate 
>someone without just cause - it's destructive and divisive and makes 
>you new enemies you didn't need to make.
>I feel compelled to post because of those friends of mine who play 
>gigs and post announcements for their gigs here.  I'd hate to see a 
>negative atmosphere develop here where people feel too intimidated 
>to post such things.
>Thank you,
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