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CENTROZOON : Update 3 (Slightly Off-Topic)

This week sees the launch of a newly improved official CENTROZOON website,
which resides at http://www.centrozoon.de.

The public production continues to make waves as 'The Cult Of: Bibbiboo'
edges ever closer to her final form. But there's still time to enter 'the
cult' and bestow your whims upon producer Derek Difilippo...

Here are some of the new interactive goodies on offer:-

* Diary - attempt to make sense of Bibbiboo's daily musings, or touch her
spirit by posting your unanswered questions to The Oracle...

* Bibbiboo Photo Galleries - "Who the hell is bibbiboo?" Check-out the
models and vote ;-)

* The Shrine - enthusiasts and supporters can now purchase CENTROZOON
merchandise (CD's, T-shirts, etc.) directly from the official shop.

And don't forget the Naming Contest, which is now fully underway. Check out
the latest (MP3 / RealAudio) mixes, and submit your entries... The winning
authors will ultimately see their titles in print on the ensuing album, as
well as receiving a T-shirt and 'Blast' CD.

If you missed my original post and are consequently wondering "who? / what?
/ why?",  then my advice to you, as always, is to point your browser 
http://www.centrozoon.de and sample the divine beast first hand :-)

We hope to see you there.


Lee Fletcher.

(My apologies for any cross-posting.)