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Re: feedback matrix loops

You might also try building one from modular synth
modules (from doepfer or analog systems). You'd have
to run patch cables yourself, but would get total
flexiblity. Throw in some modular fx modules,
line 6 pedals and others and you'd have one groovy rig.


Tim Nelson wrote:
> Something like an Alesis 1622 would probably work pretty well. When I was
> board shopping, I was trying to find one, but ended up with a Spirit 
> has made itself quite at home in my rig. Still, six sends would be 
> Here's a 1622 on eBay:
> <http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=204865739>
> Tim
> At 08:16 AM 11/30/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >Using a commercial mixer can open up some additional possibilities for
> >matrixing, like having EQ on every channel, but the problem is in 
> >one with more than two aux sends at a good price.  As far as I can see, 
> >Mackie 1604 is about as cheap as you can go to get 4 sends, pretty much 
> >minimum in my book for real Feedback Music.