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Re: Introduction & Headrush Question

At 8:58 AM -0700 10/21/99, K. Douglas Baldwin wrote:
>Jason Fink wrote:
>>    With regard to the Headrush, I am having a little difficulty
>>    during the looping function.  If I get a riff going, the looper
>>    seems to have a pause before the repeat begins.  I am not sure if
>>    it is a function of MY timing when I hit the switchs, or if the
>>    box is just screwing with the timing.  As it is now, I get a loop
>>    going, then pause to adapt any further playing to the new beat of
>>    the loop.  Does that make any sense?
>>    Can anyone advise a fledgling looper on making the most out of this
>>    stomp box?
>    It's interesting that using the Headrush , or any real-time 
>looping device really hones our rhythmic skills and alerts us to our
>rhythmic inadequecies. The trick is to get your rhythm happening in 
>and percieve the seam of the loop as the first beat of the repetition. For
>example, if I were to create a two-measure loop, I would begin counting to
>myself "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4," etc. Then when I felt ready, I'd go 
>(starting the loop), 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, STOMP (ending/looping the 
>If my timing is good, the rhythm will be seamless. If I pause the tiniest
>bit, there will be a pause in the loop. More commonly, it is human nature 
>speed up while playing (even over two measures) so that the beginning of 
>loop will be slower than the end, creating a herky-jerky jolt at the loop
>seam. Hang with your metronome, relax, and focus on your breathing, and 
>will honor the groove, and know where the One is.

This is all very good advice. The unfortunate thing about the headrush is
it uses those big clunky switches that are difficult to tap with accuracy.
You have to stomp; it's much easier to be accurate with a light and relaxed
tap. With all the other foot activated loopers the designers seemed to have
thought of this point, and carefully selected switches that can easily be
tapped with rhythmic accuracy....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com